Fernando Lizcano Losada – LaCardio
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Fernando Lizcano Losada

Especialidades y subespecialidades: Endocrinología

Idiomas: Español, Inglés

Servicios: Endocrinología

Hombre con traje azul oscuro y gafas, serio. Foto de ejecutivo para uso en perfil corporativo, negocios o páginas web de empresas profesionales


Médico Endocrinólogo, Profesor titular Universidad de La Sabana, Scholarship Universidad de La Sapienza y Hospedale Umberto Primo de Roma. PhD, Universidad de Navarra, Summa Cum Laude Premio a Mejor trabajo de Investigación Sociedad Colombiana de Endocrinología 2011, 2009, 2017. Postdoctorado Brigham and Women’s Hospital Department of Genetics and Harvard Medical School. Descubridor de las proteínas demetilasas de histonas (KDM4a), director de grupo CIBUS de COLCIENCIAS categoría (A). Profesor visitante Gunma University (Japón). Fundador y ex director de Doctorado de Biociencias de la Universidad de La Sabana, programa conjunto entre las facultades de Ingeniería y Medicina, Evaluador (Par) de Centro Nacional de Acreditación (CNA, Ministerio de Educación), Evaluador y Investigador Senior de COLCIENCIAS.

Editor asociado de revistas científicas como Frontiers in Genetics, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Revisor de múltiples revistas internacionales en el área de epigenética, expresión de proteínas, obesidad y diabetes mellitus tipo 2.Médico Endocrinólogo, Profesor titular Universidad de La Sabana, Scholarship Universidad de La Sapienza y Hospedale Umberto Primo de Roma. PhD, Universidad de Navarra, Summa Cum Laude Premio a Mejor trabajo de Investigación Sociedad Colombiana de Endocrinología 2011, 2009, 2017. Postdoctorado Brigham and Women’s Hospital Department of Genetics and Harvard Medical School. Descubridor de las proteínas demetilasas de histonas (KDM4a), director de grupo CIBUS de COLCIENCIAS categoría (A). Profesor visitante Gunma University (Japón). Fundador y ex director de Doctorado de Biociencias de la Universidad de La Sabana, programa conjunto entre las facultades de Ingeniería y Medicina, Evaluador (Par) de Centro Nacional de Acreditación (CNA, Ministerio de Educación), Evaluador y Investigador Senior de COLCIENCIAS.

Editor asociado de revistas científicas como Frontiers in Genetics, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Revisor de múltiples revistas internacionales en el área de epigenética, expresión de proteínas, obesidad y diabetes mellitus tipo 2.

Áreas de interés

  • Obesidad
  • Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2
  • Enfermedades de glándula tiroides
  • Ovario Poliquístico
  • Trastornos en la pubertad
  • Menopausia
  • Obesidad
  • Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2
  • Enfermedades de glándula tiroides
  • Ovario Poliquístico
  • Trastornos en la pubertad
  • Menopausia

Sociedades científicas

  • Expresidente de Asociación Colombiana de Endocrinología
  • Miembro asociado de Endocrine Society (USA).
  • Expresidente de Asociación Colombiana de Endocrinología
  • Miembro asociado de Endocrine Society (USA).


  • The Beige Adipocyte as a Therapy for Metabolic Diseases F Lizcano. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (20), 5058.2019

  • Kdm4c is Recruited to Mitotic Chromosomes and Is Relevant for Chromosomal Stability, Cell Migration and Invasion of Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells J Garcia, F Lizcano. Breast cancer: basic and clinical research 12, 2018.

  • Thermogenic capacity of human periaortic adipose tissue is transformed by body weight D Vargas, C López, E Acero, E Benitez, A Wintaco, J Camacho, F. Lizcano PloS one 13 (3), e0194269.2018.

  • The Histone Demethylase JMJD2A Modulates the Induction of Hypertrophy Markers in iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes W Rosales, F Lizcano. Frontiers in genetics 9, 14.

  • Molecular perspectives in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: epigenetic approach from chromatin remodeling. A Hernández, J Duque, W Rosales, F Lizcano Revista Colombiana de Cardiología 24 (2), 146-152. 2017.

  • Advances in gut microbiome research, opening new strategies to cope with a western lifestyle GP Rodriguez-Castaño, A Caro-Quintero, A Reyes, F Lizcano. Frontiers in genetics 7, 224. 2017.

  • Functional characterization of preadipocytes derived from human periaortic adipose tissue D Vargas, J Camacho, J Duque, M Carreño, E Acero, M Pérez, S Ramirez, F Lizcano. International journal of Endocrinology 1-15. 2017.

  • Human ADMC-derived adipocyte thermogenic capacity is regulated by IL-4 receptor F Lizcano, D Vargas, Á Gómez, A Torrado Stem cells international. 2-13 2017.

  • Regulation of human subcutaneous adipocyte differentiation by EID1. D Vargas, N Shimokawa, R Kaneko, W Rosales, A Parra, Á Castellanos, N Koibuchi , F Lizcano. Journal of molecular endocrinology 56 (2), 113-122. 2016

  • Biology of beige adipocyte and possible therapy for type 2 diabetes and obesity F Lizcano, D Vargas International journal of endocrinology. 23-34. 2016

  • Role of histone demethylases in cardiomyocytes induced to hypertrophy W Rosales, J Carulla, J García, D Vargas, F Lizcano. BioMed research international. 7-15 2016.

  • KDM4C activity modulates cell proliferation and chromosome segregation in triple-negative breast cancer J Garcia, F Lizcano. Breast cancer: basic and clinical research 10, BCBCR. S40182. 2016

  • Guillain Barré syndrome associated with Graves disease: the role of plasmapheresis in autoimmune thyroid disease GE Guzmán, F Lizcano, M Peralta Revista Colombiana de Reumatología 22 (1), 71-7. 2015.

  • Modifications of human subcutaneous ADMSC after PPARγ activation and cold exposition D Vargas, W Rosales, F Lizcano. Stem cells international 2015. 2015.

  • Estrogen deficiency and the origin of obesity during menopause F Lizcano, G Guzmánn BioMed research international 2014.2014

  • Latin American consensus on hypertension in patients with diabetes type 2 and metabolic syndrome [Consenso Latinoamericano de Hipertensión en pacientes con Diabetes tipo 2 y … P Lopez-Jaramillo, RA Sanchez, M Diaz, L Cobos, A Bryce,F Lizcano . 2013

  • Diverse coactivator recruitment through differential PPARγ nuclear receptor agonism F Lizcano, D Vargas Genetics and molecular biology 36 (1), 134-13. 2013

  • Different routes of lipolysis as possible new therapeutic approaches of obesity D Vargas, L Celis, F Lizcano Acta Medica Colombiana 37 (3), 117-12. 2012

  • Epigenetic control and cancer: the potential of histone demethylases as therapeutic targets F Lizcano, J Garcia Pharmaceuticals 5 (9), 963-990. 2012

  • Diferentes vías de lipólisis como posibles opciones terapéuticas de la obesidad D Vargas, L Celis, F Lizcano .Acta Médica Colombiana 37 (3), 125-1. 2012

  • Caracterización histológica e inmunocitoquímica de la grasa infrapatelar de Hoffa E Acero, LG Celis, F Lizcano, J Garay, JG Ortiz, G Carrillo NOVA Publicación en Ciencias Biomédicas 9 (16), 124-128. 2011

  • Regulation of adipogenesis by nucelar receptor PPARγ is modulated by the histone demethylase JMJD2C F Lizcano , C Romero , D Vargas. Genetics and molecular biology 34 (1), 19-2. 2011

  • Thyroid hormone therapy modulates hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis F Lizcano, JS Rodríguez Endocrine journal 58 (2), 137-1. 2011

  • EID1-induces brown-like adipocyte traits in white 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes F Lizcano, D Vargas Biochemical and biophysical research communications 398 (2),160-1.2010

  • Efecto del Ácido Valproico, Tricostatin a y Resveratrol Sobre la Diferenciación del Adipocito J Brochero, LG Celis, F Lizcano, C Romero, D Vargas NOVA Publicación en Ciencias Biomédicas 7 (11), 21-2. 2009

  • Lipolitic effect of Resveratrol in cells 3T3-L1 LG Celis, C Rozo, J Garay, D Vargas, F Lizcano. Revista Salud Uninorte 24 (2), 165-171 2008

  • Effects of different treatments for hyperthyroidism on the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axisF Lizcano, J Salvador. Clinical and Experimental pharmacology and Physiology 35 (9), 1085-109. 2008

  • Modulation of thyroid hormone receptor transactivation by the early region 1A (E1A)-like inhibitor of differentiation 1 (EID1). D Vargas, L Celis, C Romero, F Lizcano Genetics and Molecular Biology 31 (2), 409-. 2008

  • Efecto Lipolítico del Resveratrol en células 3T3-L1 LG Celis, C Rozo, J Garay, D Vargas, F Lizcano. Salud Uninorte 24 (2), 165-17. 2008


  • Effects of the hypothirodism treatment and of hyperthiroidism on the stress system activity F Lizcano, J Salvador Rodríguez Acta Medica Colombiana 32 (2), 39-4.2007

  • Efecto del tratamiento del hipotiroidismo y el hipertiroidismo sobre la actividad del sistema del estrés. F Lizcano, JS Rodríguez. Acta médica colombiana 32 (2), 39-45. 2007.

  • Functional characterization of JMJD2A, a histone deacetylase-and retinoblastoma-binding protein. SG Gray, AH Iglesias, F Lizcano, R Villanueva, S Camelo, H Jingu, … Journal of Biological Chemistry 280 (31), 28507-285. 2005

  • Fundamentos moleculares en medicina F Lizcano. Libro. Manual Moderno. 2005

  • Cell type-specific roles of histone deacetylase in TR ligand-independent transcriptional repression F Lizcano, N Koibuchi, H Fukuda, F Dangond, WW Chin Molecular and cellular endocrinology 172 (1-2), 13-21. 2001

  • El péptido auricular natriurético en las disfunciones tiroideas F Lizcano, E Moncada, J Salvador Acta Med Colomb 22 (4), 181-7.1997

  • Cholinergic modulation of spontaneous hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity and its circadian variation in man I Llorente, F Lizcano, R Alvarez, N Diez, M Sopena, MJ Gil, J Salvador The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 81 (8), 2902-290.1996

  • Thyroid disease among women in reproductive and non-reproductive age F Lizcano, J Barrios, A Oleaga, E Duarte, J Voltas, E Moncada Revista de medicina de la Universidad de Navarra 40 (2), 85-81995

  • Clinical usefulness of the glucagon test in the study of pancreatic islet cell function I Llorente, MJ Goñi, L Forga, M Monreal, F Lizcano, E Moncada Revista de medicina de la Universidad de Navarra 37 (1), 25-2. 1992The Beige Adipocyte as a Therapy for Metabolic Diseases F Lizcano. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (20), 5058.2019

  • Kdm4c is Recruited to Mitotic Chromosomes and Is Relevant for Chromosomal Stability, Cell Migration and Invasion of Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells J Garcia, F Lizcano. Breast cancer: basic and clinical research 12, 2018.

  • Thermogenic capacity of human periaortic adipose tissue is transformed by body weight D Vargas, C López, E Acero, E Benitez, A Wintaco, J Camacho, F. Lizcano PloS one 13 (3), e0194269.2018.

  • The Histone Demethylase JMJD2A Modulates the Induction of Hypertrophy Markers in iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes W Rosales, F Lizcano. Frontiers in genetics 9, 14.

  • Molecular perspectives in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: epigenetic approach from chromatin remodeling. A Hernández, J Duque, W Rosales, F Lizcano Revista Colombiana de Cardiología 24 (2), 146-152. 2017.

  • Advances in gut microbiome research, opening new strategies to cope with a western lifestyle GP Rodriguez-Castaño, A Caro-Quintero, A Reyes, F Lizcano. Frontiers in genetics 7, 224. 2017.

  • Functional characterization of preadipocytes derived from human periaortic adipose tissue D Vargas, J Camacho, J Duque, M Carreño, E Acero, M Pérez, S Ramirez, F Lizcano. International journal of Endocrinology 1-15. 2017.

  • Human ADMC-derived adipocyte thermogenic capacity is regulated by IL-4 receptor F Lizcano, D Vargas, Á Gómez, A Torrado Stem cells international. 2-13 2017.

  • Regulation of human subcutaneous adipocyte differentiation by EID1. D Vargas, N Shimokawa, R Kaneko, W Rosales, A Parra, Á Castellanos, N Koibuchi , F Lizcano. Journal of molecular endocrinology 56 (2), 113-122. 2016

  • Biology of beige adipocyte and possible therapy for type 2 diabetes and obesity F Lizcano, D Vargas International journal of endocrinology. 23-34. 2016

  • Role of histone demethylases in cardiomyocytes induced to hypertrophy W Rosales, J Carulla, J García, D Vargas, F Lizcano. BioMed research international. 7-15 2016.

  • KDM4C activity modulates cell proliferation and chromosome segregation in triple-negative breast cancer J Garcia, F Lizcano. Breast cancer: basic and clinical research 10, BCBCR. S40182. 2016

  • Guillain Barré syndrome associated with Graves disease: the role of plasmapheresis in autoimmune thyroid disease GE Guzmán, F Lizcano, M Peralta Revista Colombiana de Reumatología 22 (1), 71-7. 2015.

  • Modifications of human subcutaneous ADMSC after PPARγ activation and cold exposition D Vargas, W Rosales, F Lizcano. Stem cells international 2015. 2015.

  • Estrogen deficiency and the origin of obesity during menopause F Lizcano, G Guzmánn BioMed research international 2014.2014

  • Latin American consensus on hypertension in patients with diabetes type 2 and metabolic syndrome [Consenso Latinoamericano de Hipertensión en pacientes con Diabetes tipo 2 y … P Lopez-Jaramillo, RA Sanchez, M Diaz, L Cobos, A Bryce,F Lizcano . 2013

  • Diverse coactivator recruitment through differential PPARγ nuclear receptor agonism F Lizcano, D Vargas Genetics and molecular biology 36 (1), 134-13. 2013

  • Different routes of lipolysis as possible new therapeutic approaches of obesity D Vargas, L Celis, F Lizcano Acta Medica Colombiana 37 (3), 117-12. 2012

  • Epigenetic control and cancer: the potential of histone demethylases as therapeutic targets F Lizcano, J Garcia Pharmaceuticals 5 (9), 963-990. 2012

  • Diferentes vías de lipólisis como posibles opciones terapéuticas de la obesidad D Vargas, L Celis, F Lizcano .Acta Médica Colombiana 37 (3), 125-1. 2012

  • Caracterización histológica e inmunocitoquímica de la grasa infrapatelar de Hoffa E Acero, LG Celis, F Lizcano, J Garay, JG Ortiz, G Carrillo NOVA Publicación en Ciencias Biomédicas 9 (16), 124-128. 2011

  • Regulation of adipogenesis by nucelar receptor PPARγ is modulated by the histone demethylase JMJD2C F Lizcano , C Romero , D Vargas. Genetics and molecular biology 34 (1), 19-2. 2011

  • Thyroid hormone therapy modulates hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis F Lizcano, JS Rodríguez Endocrine journal 58 (2), 137-1. 2011

  • EID1-induces brown-like adipocyte traits in white 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes F Lizcano, D Vargas Biochemical and biophysical research communications 398 (2),160-1.2010

  • Efecto del Ácido Valproico, Tricostatin a y Resveratrol Sobre la Diferenciación del Adipocito J Brochero, LG Celis, F Lizcano, C Romero, D Vargas NOVA Publicación en Ciencias Biomédicas 7 (11), 21-2. 2009

  • Lipolitic effect of Resveratrol in cells 3T3-L1 LG Celis, C Rozo, J Garay, D Vargas, F Lizcano. Revista Salud Uninorte 24 (2), 165-171 2008

  • Effects of different treatments for hyperthyroidism on the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axisF Lizcano, J Salvador. Clinical and Experimental pharmacology and Physiology 35 (9), 1085-109. 2008

  • Modulation of thyroid hormone receptor transactivation by the early region 1A (E1A)-like inhibitor of differentiation 1 (EID1). D Vargas, L Celis, C Romero, F Lizcano Genetics and Molecular Biology 31 (2), 409-. 2008

  • Efecto Lipolítico del Resveratrol en células 3T3-L1 LG Celis, C Rozo, J Garay, D Vargas, F Lizcano. Salud Uninorte 24 (2), 165-17. 2008


  • Effects of the hypothirodism treatment and of hyperthiroidism on the stress system activity F Lizcano, J Salvador Rodríguez Acta Medica Colombiana 32 (2), 39-4.2007

  • Efecto del tratamiento del hipotiroidismo y el hipertiroidismo sobre la actividad del sistema del estrés. F Lizcano, JS Rodríguez. Acta médica colombiana 32 (2), 39-45. 2007.

  • Functional characterization of JMJD2A, a histone deacetylase-and retinoblastoma-binding protein. SG Gray, AH Iglesias, F Lizcano, R Villanueva, S Camelo, H Jingu, … Journal of Biological Chemistry 280 (31), 28507-285. 2005

  • Fundamentos moleculares en medicina F Lizcano. Libro. Manual Moderno. 2005

  • Cell type-specific roles of histone deacetylase in TR ligand-independent transcriptional repression F Lizcano, N Koibuchi, H Fukuda, F Dangond, WW Chin Molecular and cellular endocrinology 172 (1-2), 13-21. 2001

  • El péptido auricular natriurético en las disfunciones tiroideas F Lizcano, E Moncada, J Salvador Acta Med Colomb 22 (4), 181-7.1997

  • Cholinergic modulation of spontaneous hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity and its circadian variation in man I Llorente, F Lizcano, R Alvarez, N Diez, M Sopena, MJ Gil, J Salvador The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 81 (8), 2902-290.1996

  • Thyroid disease among women in reproductive and non-reproductive age F Lizcano, J Barrios, A Oleaga, E Duarte, J Voltas, E Moncada Revista de medicina de la Universidad de Navarra 40 (2), 85-81995

  • Clinical usefulness of the glucagon test in the study of pancreatic islet cell function I Llorente, MJ Goñi, L Forga, M Monreal, F Lizcano, E Moncada Revista de medicina de la Universidad de Navarra 37 (1), 25-2. 1992

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